The Lord continues to amaze us as we recognize His hand in daily events in our lives and those around us. "Every time we pray, something happens." These are the words of Jim Moore, the director of the Salem House of Prayer. As we begin to approach our prayer life from this perspective, we'll attach more significant value to our times of prayer. We understand our God as the faithful Father, so we know time spent in His presence is never wasted. If we realized every time we pray, something happens, what would that do to our level of expectation.
Most of us have heard the famous question, "What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail?" How about this? What would we pray for, if we knew it would be answered? Or this? What would we believe for, if we knew God would do whatever we asked? And finally this? How earnestly and diligently would we pray, if we knew our answer was on the way? This is exactly what prayer is all about. Our Father delights in doing wonderful things for His kids, just like any earthly father would.
But without faith it is impossible to please and be satisfactory to Him. For whoever would come near to God must [necessarily] believe that God exists and that He is the rewarder of those who earnestly and diligently seek Him [out]. Hebrews 11:6 (Amplified Bible)
We all believe these things are true, so why the disconnect. Most of us have yet to experience a deep revelation of the Father's love. His love will absolutely revolutionize our prayer/faith walk. While sharing with a dear brother in the Lord, the following came to me. This blessed my dear brother, so I want to share it with each of you.
His Banner Over Me
Love is the vehicle our Heavenly Father uses to impart heavenly glory into our hearts. The bible tells us not to harden our heart. If our heart is soft and pliable, His love will penetrate those outer defenses, which we've erected.
Love Is Blind
When we fall in love, we're blind to the imperfections of our lover. When we come to a place where those imperfections begin to bother us, we've lost our first love. The bible tells us to return to our first love. This entails becoming blind to the imperfections and focusing on the attraction that originally caused you to fall in love. Jesus told us, "do this in memory of me," to remember His death and His love that drove Him to the cross.
Love Covers
His love is our covering. Before Adam and Eve sinned, they were naked. Some scholars believe they were clothed with His glory. When they sinned, His glory covering departed and they were suddenly aware of their nakedness. God, through His love and mercy, provided animal coverings, to replace the glory covering. This was the first blood sacrifice, which foreshadowed that of our Lord and Savior.
Love Never Fails
As you begin to allow your heart to be penetrated and awakened by the tender touch of His love, get ready to see the Father like you never have. Get ready for Him to give you continuous heavenly downloads. He longs to impart His glory to you on a continual basis, as you tap into the direct link that's available right now.
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